G.T.S. - Mann für Mann
Genre: RACCountry: GermanyYear: ???Bitrate: 320 kbpsSize: 64 MB1. Intro2. Mann Für Mann3. Freiheit4. Pressedreck5. Katha's Song6. Türkenmutter7. Anti APPD Lied8. Deutschland9. Nichts Als Die...
View ArticleVA - Viva Skrewdriver (2017)
Genre: RAC / Oi!Country: SpainYear: 2017Bitrate: 320 kbpsSize: 60.5 MB 01. Thumbscrew - Screw You 02. Post Mortem - La Tormenta 03. IVS Gladii - Strike Force 04. Irreductibles - Defiende Tu...
View ArticleStürm Kommand - Annihilation Kommand [Demo] (2009)
Genre: NS Black MetalCountry: BulgariaYear: 2009Bitrate: VBR kbpsSize: 42 MB1.Total Warfare Against The Abominable Race And Their Servants! 2. Panzers Rolling Over The Putrid Corpses Of Our Enemies 3....
View ArticleVA - The Skinheads Come Back Vol.2 (2017)
Genre: RAC/Oi!Country: WorldYear: 2017Bitrate: 320 kbpsSize: 127 MB01. Abtrimo - The RAC League is Back02. Abtrimo - Die Tradition im Auge03. Aggroknuckle - Stand and Fight04. Aggroknuckle -...
View ArticleНационализъм и социализъм - от Херман Гьоринг
Берлински Шпортпаласт, 9 април, 1933Германски жени и Германски мъже! Говорил съм на многобройни митинги и съм заемал повтарящи се позиции по много въпроси. Но днес това е нещо много специално за мен,...
View ArticleОбразованието в Третия райх
Бернхард Руст -Имперски министър на науката, образованието и народната просвета.Деветнадесети век е свидетел на толкова много образователен напредък в областта на интелектуалната изтънченост, че той...
View Article„Diese Meinung ist ein Verbrechen!“
Revisionismus ist keine Meinung, sondern ein Verbrechen! Wer das behauptet, ist ein Feind der Freiheit des menschlichen Geistes und ein Feind des elementaren Rechts auf selbständiges Denken und...
View ArticleHate! Terrorism! Treason! - By Eric Thomson (2002)
Orwell observed that “who defines controls”. The ZOG and the jewsmedia are prating the above words, and the Goy sheeple are repeating them thoughtlessly, just as our Zionist rulers have learned to...
View ArticleDer Nationalsozialismus als Urbild des Deutschen
von Richard Wilhelm von NeutitscheinAnders als der judaisierte Sowjetbolschewismus, dessen programmatisches und deshalb auch ganz offen dargelegtes Ziel von Anfang an die Weltrevolution gewesen war,...
View ArticleНационалсоциализъм и болшевизъм
Националсоциализмът възникна като бунт на един горд и творчески народ против Версайлската система. И двете понятия са сложни и пълни със съдържание. Накратко ще кажа, че въпросното съзнание на немския...
View ArticleWarkvlt, Jugra, Ot Parvus, Singhasari - Ayoh! Hentikan Persengketaan...
Genre: NSBM/R.A.C.Country: Malaysia, IndonesiaLabel: Heritage NusantaraYear: 20171.Warkvlt - Soldiers of Pajajaran2.Warkvlt - Enslaving the Jahanam3.Jugra - Pelayar dari Selatan Timur4.Jugra -...
View ArticleJonathan Bowden – The Great British Nationalist
One of the benefits of the internet is that an online space is available where like-minded individuals can congregate and exchange ideas, foster new ones and unify in their ideologies. Being that I was...
View ArticleErnst Zundel – Off Your Knees Germany!
This is a summary of Ernst Zundel’s political outreach and struggling to restore the honor of his German people from 1983 to 2003. It explains in vivid detail how a powerful special interest Lobby...
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