The Trouble with People - by Dr. William Pierce
Many of our people who are attempting to recruit new members, or even to get a new person to come to one of our Sunday evening meetings have commented to me recently how very difficult it is. In the...
View ArticleHitler's Generals - Reviewed by Robert Clive
In Hitler's Generals, an international team of widely-published historians explores the characters and careers of twenty-six leading German military leaders who translated Hitler's directives into the...
View ArticleHitler's Hometown: Linz, Austria, 1908-1945
Tracing the transition of Linz, Austria from a peaceful Danubian êntrepot in the waning years of the Emperor Franz Josef to one of Europe's major industrial and manufacturing centers, this...
View ArticleJewish Militants Arrested in Bomb Plot
Two members of the Jewish Defense League, a militant Zionist group with a long record of terrorist activities, were arrested on Dec. 11, 2001, on suspicion that they were preparing to blow up a Los...
View ArticleWhy the Germans are Hated
I recently talked with a Rumanian who had been a young man in 1944 when the Germans, after their catastrophic defeat in Russia, had to retreat from a country they could no longer defend against the...
View ArticleLegion Ost - Einer muss den Job doch machen (1995)
Artist: Legion OstAlbum: Einer muß den Job doch machen (Demo)Label: Kraft VersandYear: 1995Genre: RACCountry: GermanyFormat: mp3@320 kbpsSize: 69 mbScans: yes1. Schon ewig (4:04)2. Punk is Dead...
View ArticleNeues Reich - Deutsches Volk erhebe Dich (2008)
Artist: Neues ReichAlbum: Deutsches Volk erhebe DichLabel: Last Resort StoreYear: 2008Genre: RAC / MetalCountry: GermanyFormat: mp3@320 kbpsSize: 95 mbScans: yesproject of Hauptkampflinie1. Aufruf an...
View ArticleIan Stuart & White Diamond - True blood (2006)
Artist: Ian Stuart & White DiamondAlbum: True bloodLabel: ISD RecordsYear: 2006Genre: RACCountry: UKFormat: mp3@320 kbpsSize: 161 mbScan: yes01. On the wings of the storm (02:04)02. Judge...
View ArticleLeitwolf - Es ist Krieg (2009)
Artist: LeitwolfAlbum: Es is KriegLabel: Panzerbär RecordsYear: 2009Genre: RACCountry: GermanyFormat: mp3@320 kbpsSize: 86 mbScans: yes1. Meine Damen und Herren... (Intro) (0:24)2. Vor denen alle...
View ArticleNot a Pretty Story
For those who were behind the door when God was giving out the faces this is not a pretty story. In all of its horrifying detail it has been revealed that a beauty contest judged not by humans but by...
View ArticlePolarize or Get Out
When playing a game of chess, one must choose which color they want: black or white. A player cannot choose white pawns then throw in one or two black ones for shits and giggles.It is upsetting to see...
View ArticleAn Oracle of Glee - by John Michael
The creeping fog was numbingOn that apathetic day –The ghastly whisps clung to his robesAs the auger made his wayA whisp’ring wind tickl’d the leaves,A dead fountain caught his eye;Deep into the waters...
View ArticleBuchenwald and After - LEONHARD FRIEDRICH
In 1942 I was served with a warrant for my arrest by the Gestapo. The warrant alleged that I was "corrupting the unity of the German people during wartime."I appealed against this warrant of arrest but...
View ArticleThe Party’s Young Array - by Arthur Axmann
It is from past dynasties that ruling sovereigns usually take over the leadership in their country without any significant struggle. The personality of Adolf Hitler however, conquered the nation in a...
View ArticleWhat I Learned From The Psychiatric Industry
I’m somewhat averse to blowing my own horn and writing about myself… However, during a spring cleaning session through which I cleaned out the Underworld (my basement) I was confronted with a large...
View ArticleA Tale of the Deeds of the Tuatha Dé Danann
Video description: A bardic account of the two battles of Moytura, the sacred megalithic complex in Sligo. From the magical lore of ancient Ireland, this tale recounts conflicts of the ancestors at the...
View ArticleGenocide of Ethnic Europeans
It is commonly believed that genocide means the pre-planned systematic physical destruction, usually by violence, of a distinct ethnic, religious or racial group. As one might expect of a...
View ArticleWe Should Have Listened to Adolf Hitler
When all the evidence regarding the social program and political program of the Third Reich is analyzed, the conclusion many are now reaching is that Hitler was right. Video from the Danish site...
View ArticleSturmtruppen - The best of (1996)
Artist: SturmtruppenAlbum: The best ofLabel: NS RecordsYear: 1996Genre: RACCountry: SwitzerlandFormat: mp3@320 kbpsSize: 138 mbScans: yes01. Heimat 02. Kanakistan 03. Der Tod 04. Es ist Zeit05. Dr....
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