Channel: Aryan Voice - The Voice Of the White European Warrior 14/88!
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Polarize or Get Out

When playing a game of chess, one must choose which color they want: black or white. A player cannot choose white pawns then throw in one or two black ones for shits and giggles.

It is upsetting to see some self-described “pro-whites” lately being far more concerned that we point out that there are good Jews and blacks and so on than they are with the fact that we have been targeted by the Jews for genocide. Is it really necessary at this point in time to constantly have to make the disclaimer that, “No, it’s not allllllllllllllllllllllll Jews,” so that some white people can feel better about themselves?

There is no time for civility during a genocide. We are almost a minority in the world and I don’t see any “good Jews” speaking up about that. In fact, it is the Jews (not ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of them, of course) who have seen to that. They own all the companies that pay people shit wages, they own the banks and print money out of thin air when they wish, and because the economy is in such dire straits right now, most white couples can barely afford one child, and there’s not even that many white couples anymore either.

Jews created feminism and used it along with the media, which we know they completely own and run, to create a wedge between men and women, not to mention how much they ram miscegenation down our throats at every turn. And I do mean EVERY turn. Yesterday, one of my cooking magazines came in the mail, I flipped no more than ten pages in and there was an ad for Tylenol featuring a blonde white woman playing with her mulatto afro-haired daughter. I almost threw the damn magazine across the room. This is how relentless their programming is. I can’t even read a cooking magazine without having anti-white propaganda shoved down my throat. Thanks Jews! (side note: No, I will not be renewing my subscription.)

Jews are also solely responsible for flooding all of our countries with non-whites, most of whom are hostile to us and think it’s their right to live off of our hard-earned tax dollars, while raping all the woman and children of course.

Then there are the flaky people who have been friends with us for months and have even done shows with us who literally overnight were like, “Fuck Renegade and everyone involved with it,” for no discernible reason. It’s like they just give up and never look back.

Some of you will say it is their old Jewish brainwashing kicking in, and there is probably a lot of truth to that, but if I was pushed to give one explanation, I think it is this:

What we are facing is so horrific and the odds seem so stacked against us that even those awake to the Jewish problem would rather turn their backs and pretend it’s not that bad. That way they don’t have to deal with it or actually try to do anything about it.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t occasionally have moments of weakness myself. Sometimes I don’t know how we are going to do it and frankly, many white people don’t seem to give a fuck, so what’s the point, right?

But then I remind myself of all the white girls and women being gang raped across Europe by piece of shit Muslims, or the thousands of innocent white men and women who are victims of black crime every single year in America alone, I think of the horrific treatment of whites in South Africa by the barbaric niggers there and I cannot turn my back. I cannot say, “Well, fuck this because it doesn’t make me feel good to know the truth but sticking my head in the sand will!”

Oh, and that’s another point of contention for some pro-whites apparently. I have seen a few comments from some gentle snowflakes in the comments section that some of us at Renegade should refrain from hating other races or using slurs against them. Clearly, it has not dawned on these people that these other races who they are oh-so-quick to defend actually hate their guts, and when the shit hits the fan these other races are not going to care that you were one of the nice whites who didn’t call them mean names.

If you consider yourself pro-white or a WN but you are more upset about people not recognizing that there are “good Jews” than you are about white genocide and the decades long mind fuck the Jews have done to our people, then you need to step back and review some things. Joining reality would also help you. Now is not the time for soft-headed altruism. Realize that we must polarize now or never. As Sinead pointed out on her show last night, it doesn’t matter if there are good ones. These people shouldn’t even be in our countries. It is not natural for different races to live side by side. It amazes me that every white person in the world knows not to put a lion in the same cage as a zebra, yet so many of them think living around people of different races who we have nothing in common with is perfectly normal. As long they assimilate, right? A homogeneous white society is a happy, healthy society, and we would all be better off if we were separated.

I could go on for ages but I think those who haven’t gotten the memo by now probably won’t. Bottom line is:

"This battle is not for the weak of heart. If you can’t handle it, then good riddance.

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