On the Eleventh anniversary of our founder’s death, as part tribute, reminder and salute we reprint two prophetic interviews. Ian’s first for this magazine in July 1987, where he sets out his vision for our Brotherhood and what direction he wishes us to take. Secondly we reprint the last interview Ian made for Last Chance in 1993 just before his untimely death, in his last words he truly speaks from the heart and gives his feelings and fears for his life and makes some startling predictions, which to our eternal sadness were to come true! All should read his words and be reminded of our quest, which he began and led so valiantly holding our standard up high, the standard he passed to us and which still flies in our hearts and voices, any who still claim we have left that trail will be reminded we are Ian Stuarts Blood & Honour and we follow his words and ideals to the end.
No Government agents or impostors will stop us as we follow in our leaders footsteps and we will not alter from that course. Hail Ian Stuart! Hail Blood & Honour!
Blood & Honour issue 1 July 1987
1. Eighteen months have now passed since Skrewdriver’s last record release, Blood And Honour.What plans are there for new releases in the future?
We are presently in the studio recording the White Rider L.P for Rock-o-Rama, and maybe a Skrewdriver E.P on a new Nationalist record label.
2. Will the White Rider L.P signal any changes in musical directionfor the group?In what ways, if any, will it differ from Blood And Honour?
White Rider will be a hard rock L.P in the same vein as Blood And Honour, but obviously we hope that people will consider it to be an improvement because it every band’s intention to improve as time goes by.
3. Is the outspoken political message conveyed in your previous records to be continued with White Rider?
Our political message will be the same, and will concentrate on the racial warrior ideal and centre on pride, honour, honesty and loyalty. We feel that these virtues are very important as recently we have come across certain people who consider themselves to be political soldiers who wouldn’t recognise honesty or loyalty if they came and belted them in the mouth.
4. Do you feel that Skrewdriver have an important role to play in the struggle for Nationalism in Britain?
Not so much in a one-party political role because as you know we have now left the NF. However we will of course be working with Nationalists of any party if we consider them to be trustworthy. We do put a political message over at our concerts and anybody who picks up on that message should make up their own minds as to which Nationalist party they join.
5. Although we have just mentioned the struggle for Nationalism in Britain, to what extent are Skrewdriver suppoerted by Nationalists in other countries?
We have a lot of support from Nationalist parties all over the White world. That’s all I’m worried about because unlike certain weirdos involved in Nationalist circles, I do not consider Black to be beautiful
6. In which countries, other thatn Britain, do Skrewdriver enjoy most support?
Probably Sweden, Germany, Holland, and now we seem to be having a lot of comeback from the United States. We also get good support from Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France, Italy, Finland, Canada, Hungary, Poland, South Africa, Austria, Bavaria and Australia.
7. We have discussed future plans regarding record releases, but what plans are there for live appearances in the near future?
There should be a big concert to launch the Blood And Honour paper with us, Brutal Attack, No Remorse and Sudden Impact in early September. Also there should be one on the south coast later that month.
8. Finally, how healthy do you feel the skinhead movement is at the moment, and are you confident about the future?
The skinhead movement is always experiencing ups and downs but the signs at the moment seem very healthy and I hope it stays that way.
No Government agents or impostors will stop us as we follow in our leaders footsteps and we will not alter from that course. Hail Ian Stuart! Hail Blood & Honour!
Blood & Honour issue 1 July 1987
1. Eighteen months have now passed since Skrewdriver’s last record release, Blood And Honour.What plans are there for new releases in the future?
We are presently in the studio recording the White Rider L.P for Rock-o-Rama, and maybe a Skrewdriver E.P on a new Nationalist record label.
2. Will the White Rider L.P signal any changes in musical directionfor the group?In what ways, if any, will it differ from Blood And Honour?
White Rider will be a hard rock L.P in the same vein as Blood And Honour, but obviously we hope that people will consider it to be an improvement because it every band’s intention to improve as time goes by.
3. Is the outspoken political message conveyed in your previous records to be continued with White Rider?
Our political message will be the same, and will concentrate on the racial warrior ideal and centre on pride, honour, honesty and loyalty. We feel that these virtues are very important as recently we have come across certain people who consider themselves to be political soldiers who wouldn’t recognise honesty or loyalty if they came and belted them in the mouth.
4. Do you feel that Skrewdriver have an important role to play in the struggle for Nationalism in Britain?
Not so much in a one-party political role because as you know we have now left the NF. However we will of course be working with Nationalists of any party if we consider them to be trustworthy. We do put a political message over at our concerts and anybody who picks up on that message should make up their own minds as to which Nationalist party they join.
5. Although we have just mentioned the struggle for Nationalism in Britain, to what extent are Skrewdriver suppoerted by Nationalists in other countries?
We have a lot of support from Nationalist parties all over the White world. That’s all I’m worried about because unlike certain weirdos involved in Nationalist circles, I do not consider Black to be beautiful
6. In which countries, other thatn Britain, do Skrewdriver enjoy most support?
Probably Sweden, Germany, Holland, and now we seem to be having a lot of comeback from the United States. We also get good support from Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France, Italy, Finland, Canada, Hungary, Poland, South Africa, Austria, Bavaria and Australia.
7. We have discussed future plans regarding record releases, but what plans are there for live appearances in the near future?
There should be a big concert to launch the Blood And Honour paper with us, Brutal Attack, No Remorse and Sudden Impact in early September. Also there should be one on the south coast later that month.
8. Finally, how healthy do you feel the skinhead movement is at the moment, and are you confident about the future?
The skinhead movement is always experiencing ups and downs but the signs at the moment seem very healthy and I hope it stays that way.