The United States suffered the most devastating terrorist attack in history on September 11th. Thousands were killed including hundreds of British, after hijacked airliners slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. A wanton act of terrorism, against the Jewish lobby that controls America and its bankrolling of the pirate state Israel, a blow against American Globalisation and the New World Order or another act of aggression by Islam and its aims of world domination?
Firstly you must look at the perpetrators of this vile crime and their religion. Islam unlike Christianity explicitly sanctions the use of violence. Sura 9, verse 5 of the Koran reads: " Then fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them. And seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them, in every stratagem (war)." And no one can argue that this verse was written for a particular time: in the Muslim faith, the Koran is the very word of God, applying to " all people, in all times, in all places". The Koran also contains the seeds of international strife. It urges Muslims to " fight a mighty nation, fight them until they embrace Islam", and makes it clear where to look for the enemy. " Strongest among men in enmity to the believers," says Sura 5, verse 85, " wilt thou Find the Jews and Pagans."
Today all around the world one billion Muslims or one sixth of the human race, have memorised the Koran and the words of their prophet Muhammad. Muhammad urges his followers to " Struggle in the path of God" (jihad), which they have taken as an order to expand the borders of Islam in a holy war. In our own backyard of Europe this expansion has been heroically battled as the Russians in Chechnya, Serbians in Kosovo, Bosnians and Macedonians all valiantly stand as Europe's border guards. Far from helping and arming these brave defenders N.A.T.O. has in the case of Serbia actually rewarded Muslim aggression with the gift of Serbian land, handing over the historical birthplace of Serbia Kosovo, hence aiding the Albanian's and their open goal of a Greater Albania and Muslim State in Europe.
Christians and Muslims have been fighting since the First crusade, and it has only been our vigilance, which has kept this aggressor at bay. The current military action in Afghanistan and hopefully Iraq is another crusade, and one, which I feel all Nationalists should support. It is a war of alien cultures and one fought with an enemy within. We have all seen the mess called integration on our streets, where Muslims slowly invade and take over our areas, their faith and way of life totally alien to ours, and the clashes, which follow. This is the same but on a global scale. It is estimated approximately 2000 Pakistanis from Britain have left to fight for Bin Laden so far!
I support our glorious pilots and ground troops, who are defending our culture and its future. We have all seen and heard the Muslims celebrating on our streets about the events of September 11th. Many of us witnessed the fireworks being let off during the silence held for the victims of that attack - not the odd banger but hundreds of rockets - in areas like Slough, Hounslow, Southhall and no doubt other Muslim dominated areas up and down our land. 50,000 traitors marched in our capital at protest of the Allied bombing campaign, some holding banners proclaiming Osama Bin Laden is innocent. They did not protest at the thousands killed in the World Trade Centre! Moreover they do not as a rule condemn violence as such, but only violence used in defence of Western countries.
Most Islamic terrorists are not in Afghanistan; many have never set foot in bin Laden's camps. Instead they are in the West - and most notably in Britain. Indeed, there are so many Islamic extremists living in soft touch Britain that the French police now refer to the capital as "Londonistan". Truly the enemy within!
Israel has nothing to do with this conflict, nor should the anti American sentiment which is so strong in some European Nationalist communities deflect us from the truth. This is war in defence of our faith, people and ultimately land - a defence against terrorism, one, which us in Britain know all about. And most importantly it is a war against Muslim expansion and their aim to force their will upon us, a war that has been fought and won many times in our people's history. Support our valiant troops in every way for they are fighting for us, and as we all know B& H boys in the services, they are us!
Surah 18:29 of the Koran: "Verily, We have prepared for the disbelievers a Fire whose walls will be surrounding them. And if they ask for help (relief, water etc) they will be granted water like boiling oil that will scald their faces. Terrible the drink and an evil resting place".
Blood & Honour! 88:14: "Bomb Away, Boys!"
Firstly you must look at the perpetrators of this vile crime and their religion. Islam unlike Christianity explicitly sanctions the use of violence. Sura 9, verse 5 of the Koran reads: " Then fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them. And seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them, in every stratagem (war)." And no one can argue that this verse was written for a particular time: in the Muslim faith, the Koran is the very word of God, applying to " all people, in all times, in all places". The Koran also contains the seeds of international strife. It urges Muslims to " fight a mighty nation, fight them until they embrace Islam", and makes it clear where to look for the enemy. " Strongest among men in enmity to the believers," says Sura 5, verse 85, " wilt thou Find the Jews and Pagans."
Today all around the world one billion Muslims or one sixth of the human race, have memorised the Koran and the words of their prophet Muhammad. Muhammad urges his followers to " Struggle in the path of God" (jihad), which they have taken as an order to expand the borders of Islam in a holy war. In our own backyard of Europe this expansion has been heroically battled as the Russians in Chechnya, Serbians in Kosovo, Bosnians and Macedonians all valiantly stand as Europe's border guards. Far from helping and arming these brave defenders N.A.T.O. has in the case of Serbia actually rewarded Muslim aggression with the gift of Serbian land, handing over the historical birthplace of Serbia Kosovo, hence aiding the Albanian's and their open goal of a Greater Albania and Muslim State in Europe.
Christians and Muslims have been fighting since the First crusade, and it has only been our vigilance, which has kept this aggressor at bay. The current military action in Afghanistan and hopefully Iraq is another crusade, and one, which I feel all Nationalists should support. It is a war of alien cultures and one fought with an enemy within. We have all seen the mess called integration on our streets, where Muslims slowly invade and take over our areas, their faith and way of life totally alien to ours, and the clashes, which follow. This is the same but on a global scale. It is estimated approximately 2000 Pakistanis from Britain have left to fight for Bin Laden so far!
I support our glorious pilots and ground troops, who are defending our culture and its future. We have all seen and heard the Muslims celebrating on our streets about the events of September 11th. Many of us witnessed the fireworks being let off during the silence held for the victims of that attack - not the odd banger but hundreds of rockets - in areas like Slough, Hounslow, Southhall and no doubt other Muslim dominated areas up and down our land. 50,000 traitors marched in our capital at protest of the Allied bombing campaign, some holding banners proclaiming Osama Bin Laden is innocent. They did not protest at the thousands killed in the World Trade Centre! Moreover they do not as a rule condemn violence as such, but only violence used in defence of Western countries.
Most Islamic terrorists are not in Afghanistan; many have never set foot in bin Laden's camps. Instead they are in the West - and most notably in Britain. Indeed, there are so many Islamic extremists living in soft touch Britain that the French police now refer to the capital as "Londonistan". Truly the enemy within!
Israel has nothing to do with this conflict, nor should the anti American sentiment which is so strong in some European Nationalist communities deflect us from the truth. This is war in defence of our faith, people and ultimately land - a defence against terrorism, one, which us in Britain know all about. And most importantly it is a war against Muslim expansion and their aim to force their will upon us, a war that has been fought and won many times in our people's history. Support our valiant troops in every way for they are fighting for us, and as we all know B& H boys in the services, they are us!
Surah 18:29 of the Koran: "Verily, We have prepared for the disbelievers a Fire whose walls will be surrounding them. And if they ask for help (relief, water etc) they will be granted water like boiling oil that will scald their faces. Terrible the drink and an evil resting place".
Blood & Honour! 88:14: "Bomb Away, Boys!"