Channel: Aryan Voice - The Voice Of the White European Warrior 14/88!
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Heil Europa

Alright now students, before we enter the Temple I want you to understand that there might be many other people in there – so, do not disturb them – keep following me and listen very carefully to what I will tell you. You will be given a glimpse into our history and a quick tour around the place – however – all of you will one day have to finish your own pilgrimage into these halls and many similar regions. Who knows, some of you may as well become members of our most noble and upright guilds? Now then, follow me.

The teacher and his students enter a massive temple dedicated to the White race and its history. Many sculptures, infographics and various small holograms are to be found in these great halls. It is filled with history, documents, facts, evidence, names, heroes and enemies. Such a large temple exists in every European Nation across the planet and smaller versions of it can be found in various cities across each Nation. These are not only memorial sites, but also libraries as they allow free redistribution of books, booklets, documents, scriptures, etc.

As we enter the temple you will notice that we are walking through history in real-time. We shall progress quickly through all the important years, dates and developments of our people. Every step you take will take you closer to our time. Here you can see all the old age stone cavern imagery performed by our people, the ancient tools they created and used, the ever evident swastikas which we use again in our day and time – it is the holy symbol of our Aryan people.

What you will notice is that we rapidly developed technologies as time passed, grew ever more in a sophisticated civilization. Agriculture, metalworking, masonry – everything was slowly but surely developed and brought to perfection. Our people were never satisfied with merely getting something done – it had to be divine, perfect and ever lasting. Some may say that we are in some ways stubborn by Nature, but it is this lust for perfection that has brought us to where we are nowadays.

A student keeps yawning during their walk through the hall and is attempting to make other students lose their focus as well. He starts making fun of certain sculptures or ancient drawings. The teacher notices it.

Student John, come over here! (the rest of the class stands firm, goes silent and watches what is going on) I see you are having a laugh while we are trying to go through a brief history of our people here – would you mind letting the rest of us know what it is that is so funny? (no reply from John) I asked you a question, John – answer me!

I… I just find this all to be a waste of time… we could be doing something proper rather than to remind ourselves of all these ancient things which look so weird… why should I care what happened during ancient times – how does that help me at all?

I see, we have one here who hasn’t been properly disciplined at home. Well then John, you will now walk beside me while I explain to all of you why all of this is important. You see, the life you know right now would not be possible, it would not exist the way you know it, had it not been for your ancestors and their development of everything. This tour is supposed to show you where and how it all began. Can you even imagine the state of mind in which you don’t even know the basics of physics or mathematics? Can you imagine having to figure out how to make pottery, fire, metalworking? Can you imagine coming up with electricity and modern day Computer Intelligence? Or even a language! You take everything for granted and therefore you will inherit nothing and give even less to your children. Those who don’t care to know have nothing to pass on.

And it isn’t just and only the technology we are talking about here! This tour shows you also all the misery our people went through – all the dangers they survived. Various plagues and diseases, thousands of years of Jewish infiltration, almost two thousand years of Muslim invasions and attacks, Mongolian attacks, struggles and conflicts between our own people which were created by the Jewish infiltrators. We almost went extinct, had it not been for courageous and virtuous warriors and philosophers among our people. They knew what was right and what was wrong. They saw the plague that was trying to deceive and destroy us – they managed to find the will to survive where others had none left.

All you have today has been given to you as an inheritance. If you do not care about it, you as its current owner, will destroy it. With knowledge comes responsibility – and if you remain ignorant to knowledge – then of course, you have no responsibility. Fools find pleasure in such a state of mind. But, you will be given no benefit of our society and civilization – for it was not created for ignorant fools and wicked people – it was created for those who understand and comprehend what is good and want to preserve it and make it even better.

I am not a fool!

Yes you are, because you laughed at the wonders of our race. It takes one single generation of our people to lose all we have ever achieved. One single generation of people who do not cling to themselves, who forgot their Ancestors and the very divine essence which made them who and what they are. It takes one single generation of race-mixing to exterminate an entire Population. It takes one single generation of degenerate filth to see everything that was ever created by our Civilization crumble. One single generation.

We live according to Nature, this is why in this section of the Hall you see many Gods and Goddesses depicting our relationship and appreciation for it. All of these are archetypes of not only Nature but also its Natural Laws – which we observe. We do not breed in insane numbers, neither do we overproduce and overdevelop – we take the necessary time to do everything in balance with Nature. We do not fear about our preservation anymore because we know our Self and keep our Race clean, educated, protected and alive. Other races who are unable to preserve themselves properly tend to breed in inhumane numbers and hope in this way, on a psychological level, that their chances of survival are higher. However, what exactly survives in such a scenario?

(As they move on, they encounter some men meditating and inquiring data disks) And what are these guys doing here?

These “guys”, as you call them, are rangers and paladins of the Nation. The Paladins have chosen a path of life which upholds the law and order among our people; their purpose is to make sure that there are no crimes or degenerate idiocies going on – people can always rely on them and ask for help – they are devoted to the people and the preservation of the society. Paladins come here to recollect their Willpower, Meditate on the Divine and Natural Laws. When experienced they may acquire students of their own who wish to join their Guild. However, they are not only martially skilled warriors, but also very knowledgeable people – their skills vary from manual labor to the highest application of physics and mathematics.

The rangers, on the other hand, are here to uphold the balance of Nature and our Civilization. They roam the lands and make sure that everything is according to this balance; the forests are their second home and they see everything as part of the Organism of the Planet, however – they know very well the importance of the differences between Races and Species. Modern day rangers are Biological scientists of their own, Chemists and even Engineers in certain aspects. They meditate upon the divine connection of our People towards Nature and observe this Light of knowledge and wisdom within it.

What is in that grand opening over there?

Ah, yes! Students, you will now enter the master chamber of this temple – be very respectful.

As they entered the chamber they saw before them huge sculptures of the highest of Gods of our people – Thor and Odin were there. Perun and Svarog. Zeus and Hermes. Many others surrounded this chamber and watched over one small, but important element… The children were amazed by the scenery.

These are the archetypes of Gods in our Hierarchy of Society and the Development of the Self. Among them many actually represent also our real blood Ancestors, so in one way or the other, we come from these Gods. What is important to understand is that we regard the term God not only as something that is Good, but also as the Universal Force which gives meaning and purpose to everything. It is the force which governs Natural Laws, it is the force which controls our Universe, our Solar system, the movement of Planets.

Otherwise, all of those things would simply be random elements of no significance; they would have no real place in the greater picture of Life. By that very same analogy we can look at our own bodies. The organs which are part of you, the streams of blood and water which flow through you – they all would be rather meaningless and chaotic were it not for that governing force which has brought them all to life : you. We therefore see the Divine in ourselves, just as we see the Divine everywhere around us. And since we are so highly in tune with it, we regard these bodies of ours, the genetic makeup of theirs as something that must be preserved, loved, cherished and nourished. Just as history is forgotten by ignorance, so would our Race be.

This does not mean that we hate others, but that we understand the importance of our own existence and its unique aspect of Life. No one hates the other planets of our Solar system, but on Earth, our Planet, life arose – creativity happened – Nature developed and gave us a chance to live as well. In that very same way are we special as well – creativity arose among us, through us and from us and just as we wish to preserve the Earth, so do we wish to preserve Ourselves. Never let anyone tell you any different, for they are fools, idiots and wicked arrogant people worthy of no name.

What is that smaller statue in the middle of the room?

Ah, yes! That is a statue of Mother Europa. As you can see she is holding two children in her arms – a European boy and a girl. She is being watched over and protected by all the Archetypes of our People. The will of our People is what makes her and her children a reality. Let us now proceed to two more halls before we leave the Temple.

In this hall right here many of you will have to spend months of education. This is where you will learn about all the mistakes our people made in the past – the slip ups we did – the arrogance we sometimes showed. The betrayals we allowed, the traitors which were among our ranks. You will study all of this in order to recognize them in the future; of course we always hope that such a thing won’t be necessary, but we cannot allow anything to chance – and as you have already learned in your elementary schools – chance does not exist. There is always a force which is the source of a certain problem – it is the mind which merely perceives it as being random.

In the final hall, you will learn about the Wisdom of our People. Many of who will spend years here studying and collecting data and information. Perhaps you are searching for a certain element to spark your own Ideas? Perhaps you will end up among all of these names one day as well? Wisdom is important – without it everything eventually collapses – only the most Wise among our People are destined to be Kings and Princes of Nations and Regions. Some regard them as Divine, others simply as Naturally gifted for having such high Understanding and Knowledge. Who knows – one day you might as well grow up to be such a Wise King?

(As they are leaving the Temple, the Teacher calls for an Officer.) Officer, this student, John, is to be sent to the 30 days solitude program. On your permission, sir? Yes, Officer, by my permission and order.

But, why – I didn’t do anything wrong?

Don’t worry, John, this is not really only a punishment, but also a place where many have become enlightened. Nothing will happen to you, no harm will come unto you – you will merely be shown what it would mean for you to grow up without any inheritance, without a family, without your People and their Civilization, how little you would feel and mean in this World without any of it. It is a holographic program to teach and guide you. If however, you fail this program and keep on insisting to grow into someone who hates his own people – then you will one day probably be expelled from our society. Alas, this is what this program should prevent from happening.
Now, we come to another visualization. This time, it will be necessary for you to first study the song and the timelines properly. Once you understand when you should visualize what, you can play the song, stand up, and let the music guide you. Enjoy.

From the beginning to the violins at 0:40 – You have grown old and weak and feel as if time is running out in your life. You have come one last time to visit the great Temple in your region. You greet the guards standing in front of it – they greet you back with great honor and respect, acknowledging your age and the uniform of importance which you wear. As you enter the Temple you see its marvelous architecture, the pillars and statues, the life of your People. You breathe in the history. You wonder whether or not you have done all that you could.

From 0:40 to 1:03 – As you walk down the hallway you marvel at the intelligence of your ancestors who laid the foundation of Civilization. What would seem like great struggle to you now, seems like a melody being played as you watch how quickly they developed.

From 1:04 to 1:40 – The great ancient Civilizations! You walk past all the great accomplishments of Greece, Rome, the Celtic, Druidic, Germanic, Slavic people! You walk past Egyptian, Greek, Roman sculptures, words of the Wise and their love of Nature, Mind, Body and Soul. At the pinnacle of this part of the Temple lies a great statue of Athena – the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength, war strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. You wonder if you had impressed her throughout your life and whether or not you are worthy of her blessing.

From 1:40 to 2:10 – You pass by all the great plagues, problems, conflicts, corruptions and Evil we had to fight against to finally be at Peace. You remember very well the last Awakening of our People – the battle which was fought against the Jews, their Semitic influence and how we finally have freed ourselves from those viruses and their plague infections, religions, ideologies, suggestions and choices. As you walk through this historic moment, a tear flows down your face as you remember the struggle, the chaos, the destruction and the hatred among our own people. You thought at one moment that everything was gone…

From 2:10 to 3:10 – But not all was lost. There was still hope, a small fraction of it. There was still Light within our People. A Flame that desired to Exist. This Flame is represented by all the great Names which stood up against our Genocide and brought Hope, Love, Unity and Knowledge to a Lost People. They were the Light in a time of Darkness. The millions who died fighting for what is Right – all of them are represented by various sculptures, holograms and graphics. At the end of this pathway is a platform with two large statues on it – a European Woman and a European Man – holdings hands and walking into the Future together, united, strong and proud. You enter the Master Chamber…

From 3:10 to 3:32 – Here you find yourself surrounded with all the great Gods of our People. You walk towards Mother Europa and kneel before the statue – your legs are not as strong as they used to be – but you still show your respect to Life and to the Mother of it. A great Light shines down from the rooftop unto this Statue – it looks divine – it looks beautiful – it takes away your breath. You wonder again… you hope… have you done enough?

From 3:33 to 4:10 – A great feeling of energy flows through you suddenly. The light shines upon you as well. The little boy and girl somehow come to life and walk towards you, hugging you as strong as they can. You can’t help yourself at this point anymore – you cry your heart out in happiness… They look like little angels of Light. You feel… good… you feel… as if you have done everything you could. As you recollect your strength and senses, they seem to slowly vanish into the air, but seem to call you to walk closer to the statue…

From 4:10 to End – There you find words which bring Peace to your Body, Mind and Soul. You know that you have kept your Honor and walked in the path of Righteousness. As you leave the Temple, you shake hands with the guards and tell them how much you appreciated Life itself. As for the words, they said the following :

Thank you for our Future.

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