This is an excerpt, translated from the Schutzstaffel original Bolschewismus – jüdisches Untermenschentum, which was originally published by the Reichsführer-SS / SS Main Office – Education Office and marked “only for officers”.
The present work recognizes the Jew as the genuine carrier of Bolshevism.
In a short overview, it is supposed to show the Jewish roots of Bolshevism and portray its devastating effects on the whole life of Russian man.
Only when one remembers what world-encompassing and folk-decaying goals Jewish Bolshevism strives for, can one measure the danger that the Soviet Union, as the visible expression of Jewish sub-humanity, means for Europe and the world. …
A large portion of the bourgeois world saw in Bolshevism a world-view, which was at first unconditionally damned. But when it was later shown that the Bolshevik could also appear in tuxedo abroad, many were ready to accept him as a Russian fact. A skillful propaganda also helped to deceive the world.
Work of the Eternal Jew
The mask is off. Behind it, visible to all, stands the eternal Jew. Rightly, one thus does not view Bolshevism as a manifestation of the modern period. It is instead the product of Jewish thought – it is as old as Jewry itself. From the Old Testament to the Talmud, from the “financial geniuses” of the kings and rulers, from the great revolutions of the world and the communist manifesto of Mardochai-Marx to the newest “creations” of the Jewish race, a line runs to the Jew’s single goal: the establishment of Jewish world domination. Only the methods and disguise change, which adapt to the various times and respective situation.
What does the Old Testament say?
“You will rule over many folks, but none should rule over you.” And further: Jahwe, the Jew god, obviously knows about the industriousness of his “chosen people”; for he promises: “to give it great and fat cities, which it has not built, and houses full of goods, which it has not filled, and dug wells, which it has not dug, and vineyards and olive gardens, which it has not planted.”
It is completely clear that the productive folks, who are supposed to build all that, will not voluntarily leave the places of their work and effort, so that the Jew can come and live a splendid life. In such cases as well, the Jews follow the commands of their gruesome god: they murder, plunder and burn down whatever opposes them.
As parasite-folk the Jew emerges already in dark prehistory. Theft, swindle, robbery and murder against non-Jews and the contamination of the blood of other folks is the work of the “chosen people”, a work which visibly rests on the blessing of their god Jahwe. The Jew has never built anything. Destruction was always his work.
Into the most prosperous cities he came as haggler and trader. As soon as he had money and economic influence, he knew how to acquire power as well. He subverted from the inside out the host folk until it was ripe for a revolution, which was supposed to deliver power to him. “The revolution is Judah’s star, which has lit the darkness over Israel’s heads and will light even more”, so judges the Jewish historian H. Graetz in his “History of the Jews”.
Revolution at any Price
Hence revolution at any price! In Europe’s states it was first supposedly to enable democracy, and from this springboard to then proceed to the Bolshevik dictatorship. Only in so-called democracy did the Jew find the opportunity – under the cloak of “freedom of opinion” – to infect economy, culture and politics with Jewish thought.
Here he can agitate the folk against each other under the disguise of irresponsible parliamentarianism. The domination of the press enables him to direct “public opinion”. Any feeling of duty and consciousness of responsibility is labelled ridiculous. He whips up the lowest instincts of the dregs of the folks. He incites desire and agitates the masses’ thirst for destruction under the pretense of a life of paradise. He directs the masses against the racially valuable groups of the folks and destroys all moral feeling.
When the folk has then through self-annihilation and civil war been robbed of its leading strata, he crushes the leaderless folk-masses through the most bloody terror and erects his Jewish dictatorship.
“Rule of the Proletariat!”
Where is the “rule of the proletariat” that the Jew Mardochai has presented so much to the betrayed workers of the world? The worker has only changed the master. He has become the slave of purely Jewish exploitation.
That is the great crime of Marx: He tore the worker from any folkish life foundation, degraded him to an international proletarian, who supposedly only had his chains to lose and a world to gain. He took the soul from work and promised the proletarian the destruction of international capital.
Thus a Jew, who himself shuns nothing so much as honest work, wants to lead the workers to a more beautiful life. A Jew wants to lead the struggle against international capital, which lies in Jewish hands and is directed by Jews! The Jew against the Jew! Here at the decisive point he shows himself again as the great master of the lie.
International capitalism itself is only one of the Jewish means to destroy national economies, to agitate the folks into wars, to achieve power. The names of the great international bank houses, the names of the stock market brokers and the great industrial concerns show their bearers as members of the “chosen people”. The Jewish-capitalist world press then also praises their brothers on the other side, the slave-holders of the USSR, as founders of the most modern state of the world.
New Front for Judah!
Marx only organized a new front for Judah, when he wanted to create from the leader-less masses of the workers a core troop that was supposed to pave the way to domination for the Jew with armed force. In the dawning machine age he preaches class hatred, in other words the self-mutilation of a folk, not in order to alleviate the needs of the workers, rather to present the chasm as necessary and inalterable.
The present work recognizes the Jew as the genuine carrier of Bolshevism.
In a short overview, it is supposed to show the Jewish roots of Bolshevism and portray its devastating effects on the whole life of Russian man.
Only when one remembers what world-encompassing and folk-decaying goals Jewish Bolshevism strives for, can one measure the danger that the Soviet Union, as the visible expression of Jewish sub-humanity, means for Europe and the world. …
A large portion of the bourgeois world saw in Bolshevism a world-view, which was at first unconditionally damned. But when it was later shown that the Bolshevik could also appear in tuxedo abroad, many were ready to accept him as a Russian fact. A skillful propaganda also helped to deceive the world.
Work of the Eternal Jew
The mask is off. Behind it, visible to all, stands the eternal Jew. Rightly, one thus does not view Bolshevism as a manifestation of the modern period. It is instead the product of Jewish thought – it is as old as Jewry itself. From the Old Testament to the Talmud, from the “financial geniuses” of the kings and rulers, from the great revolutions of the world and the communist manifesto of Mardochai-Marx to the newest “creations” of the Jewish race, a line runs to the Jew’s single goal: the establishment of Jewish world domination. Only the methods and disguise change, which adapt to the various times and respective situation.
What does the Old Testament say?
“You will rule over many folks, but none should rule over you.” And further: Jahwe, the Jew god, obviously knows about the industriousness of his “chosen people”; for he promises: “to give it great and fat cities, which it has not built, and houses full of goods, which it has not filled, and dug wells, which it has not dug, and vineyards and olive gardens, which it has not planted.”
It is completely clear that the productive folks, who are supposed to build all that, will not voluntarily leave the places of their work and effort, so that the Jew can come and live a splendid life. In such cases as well, the Jews follow the commands of their gruesome god: they murder, plunder and burn down whatever opposes them.
As parasite-folk the Jew emerges already in dark prehistory. Theft, swindle, robbery and murder against non-Jews and the contamination of the blood of other folks is the work of the “chosen people”, a work which visibly rests on the blessing of their god Jahwe. The Jew has never built anything. Destruction was always his work.
Into the most prosperous cities he came as haggler and trader. As soon as he had money and economic influence, he knew how to acquire power as well. He subverted from the inside out the host folk until it was ripe for a revolution, which was supposed to deliver power to him. “The revolution is Judah’s star, which has lit the darkness over Israel’s heads and will light even more”, so judges the Jewish historian H. Graetz in his “History of the Jews”.
Revolution at any Price
Hence revolution at any price! In Europe’s states it was first supposedly to enable democracy, and from this springboard to then proceed to the Bolshevik dictatorship. Only in so-called democracy did the Jew find the opportunity – under the cloak of “freedom of opinion” – to infect economy, culture and politics with Jewish thought.
Here he can agitate the folk against each other under the disguise of irresponsible parliamentarianism. The domination of the press enables him to direct “public opinion”. Any feeling of duty and consciousness of responsibility is labelled ridiculous. He whips up the lowest instincts of the dregs of the folks. He incites desire and agitates the masses’ thirst for destruction under the pretense of a life of paradise. He directs the masses against the racially valuable groups of the folks and destroys all moral feeling.
When the folk has then through self-annihilation and civil war been robbed of its leading strata, he crushes the leaderless folk-masses through the most bloody terror and erects his Jewish dictatorship.
“Rule of the Proletariat!”
Where is the “rule of the proletariat” that the Jew Mardochai has presented so much to the betrayed workers of the world? The worker has only changed the master. He has become the slave of purely Jewish exploitation.
That is the great crime of Marx: He tore the worker from any folkish life foundation, degraded him to an international proletarian, who supposedly only had his chains to lose and a world to gain. He took the soul from work and promised the proletarian the destruction of international capital.
Thus a Jew, who himself shuns nothing so much as honest work, wants to lead the workers to a more beautiful life. A Jew wants to lead the struggle against international capital, which lies in Jewish hands and is directed by Jews! The Jew against the Jew! Here at the decisive point he shows himself again as the great master of the lie.
International capitalism itself is only one of the Jewish means to destroy national economies, to agitate the folks into wars, to achieve power. The names of the great international bank houses, the names of the stock market brokers and the great industrial concerns show their bearers as members of the “chosen people”. The Jewish-capitalist world press then also praises their brothers on the other side, the slave-holders of the USSR, as founders of the most modern state of the world.
New Front for Judah!
Marx only organized a new front for Judah, when he wanted to create from the leader-less masses of the workers a core troop that was supposed to pave the way to domination for the Jew with armed force. In the dawning machine age he preaches class hatred, in other words the self-mutilation of a folk, not in order to alleviate the needs of the workers, rather to present the chasm as necessary and inalterable.